En Marzo Vacuver Film School junto con Youtube hicieron la competencia "Qué te importa a ti?" para ganar una beca de un año. Más de 21000 subscritos con un video de 3 minutos. Los ganadores :
In March, VFS joined forces with YouTube for a one-of-a-kind scholarship competition. YouTubers the world over, including the 21,000 subscribers of our channel, were challenged to make a 3-minute video on the theme “What Matters to You”.
So, the winners:
I believe there are no impossibles and I believe as Albert Einstein said once:
"I wish to do something Great and Wonderful,
But I must start by doing the little things like they were Great and Wonderful"
-A. Einstein
What Matters to Me? Using all the things I love, like Design, Motion Graphics, Typography, Music, Film, and Animation, to make this world a better place.

1 comentario:
Wow! ojala algun dia puda hacer algo como eso! jaja
La verdad es que quiero ser Diseñadora Muiltimedial... siempre me gusto todo esto del diseño... pero aun me queda muuuuucho por aprender!
La verdad es que esos videos son asombrosos!
siempre encuentras cosas interesantes o lindas para poner! por eso me gusta tu blog =)
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