Para no olvidar que en algún momento, si lo persigues, lo puedes conseguir... el asunto es no darse por vencido...
"Somewhere between David Goyer and the Black List, I started to get lost in my own hype (you are now reading my timid VFS! True Hollywood Story)… and I’m still lost. But I can tell you one thing: write and have the balls to show it to people and if it sucks and you know it sucks write some more. Be confident and don’t give a shit what the world tells you (listen, just don’t give a shit). All you need is one yes. I got my yes and I’ve had the year of my life… I also have insomnia and a slight addiction to caffeine… but it’s been fun because, as cliché as it sounds, I get to do what I love. And, best of all, I got there by doing what I love."
The Year of Living Famously
By Seth Lochhead
The William Morris Agency
David S. Goyer
Joe Wright

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